Patrizia Maggia

Director Fatti ad Arte

Patrizia Maggia is General Director of the Fatti ad Arte event and President of Agenzia Lane d’Italia (Italian Wool Agency). Born in Biella, she attended Florence’s Fine Art Academy, later specializing in calligraphic arts and Andean textile culture, themes linked to her Peruvian and Chinese origins, on her mother’s side. In 2001 she opened and directed a centre for applied arts, where many artists, artisans and designers collaborate in threading an inspiring and virtuous path where different competences intertwine. In 2021 she started to collaborate with Città Studi Biella, giving life to MAC – Mestieri d’Arte Contemporanei (Contemporary Artisanal Trades); she directs training projects dedicated to the preservation of local artistic heritage and the project “Bambino Artigiano”, attended by more than 5000 children over the years. Since 2017 she directs Fatti ad Arte, curating exhibitions and training programmes, as well as managing the award Maestro di Mestiere. She strongly values craftsmanship as a social recovery tool and connects craft realities with Biella Città Creativa Unesco for Crafts & Folk Art and other like-minded entities within the Unesco network. 

Institutions for the Métiers d’Art

An award to public and private organisations for particular merit in the protection and promotion of arts and crafts.